
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Hair Pull Fail

So this bag attempt is going horribly wrong.  I was doing so good with it, but I have fallen off the bandwagon for 4 days straight.  Granted I have been very busy & when I leave the house I have not been thinking about it, but you would think it would be a top of mind priority.

I am going to try to get back on it today, I see Barb the Therapist this afternoon & want to make sure I have the bag going so I can track my day better.

Yesterday was a pretty heavy pulling day.  It started off by breaks, but the hair texture was too strong & thick yesterday and I kept opting for pulls instead of breaks.  I have shorter pieces in the front that are pure break-age & I try to stay away from them because they are quite noticable but yesterday, since I hadn't played in a while, they felt so good and rough that I pulled out probably half a dozen within 2 minutes of starting.  I am really struggling with this, and as the days go by, my hair is continuing to get worse and worse. 

This weekend is my birthday and I was really hoping to be in a better place by the time this birthday came around.  I know how much my hair can change in just a month of low pulling, so I really thought when I started this blog a month ago or so, I had thought how nice my hair could be for my birthday.  Well that was clearly wishful thinking as my breaks on the top of my head are slightly out of control at the moment & the bottoms of my hair are totally broken.

Hopefully after my visit with Barb today i'll feel more motivated & something will click.

Everyday people are winning the battle with trich, why can't I?

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