
Friday, May 18, 2012

41 Pulls 62 Breaks

Well that experiment went well!  Yesterday I drastically reduced my number of pulls to 41 and my breaks to 62 & I got the number of 'pull breaks' to 1.  I wish I could have reported zero but my urges got the best of me, and I broke one pull.

May 17th Pulls

This morning as I was tediously emptying my ziploc bag (the little breaks static to the bag!), I knew immediately my numbers were going to be much lower as the pile looked so different than the last two days.  A rush of excitement came over as I counted yesterdays pulls, anticipating what that final number was going to be.   For the first time in the last 3 years, I felt change coming.  I really can't believe I was able to reduce those numbers so drastically in one day.

I worry about today, as I know I am going to be spending a lot of time in my car, which is my number one pull spot, but I am now totally determined to continue to reduce that number.

Yesterday I started my day a tad later than normal, so that helped with less car time, then when I was in the car, I was really trying to fight the urge.  It really is so incredible that even when I am working so hard to fight something, the second my mind drifts off and thinks of something other than not pulling, I am back pulling.  In the evening, I spent from 5pm-midnight with a girlfriend & out at my hubby's baseball so I was really conscious of not playing with my hair.  On the 45 minute car ride home, I wore my hoodie which also played a part in the reduced number, because normally a 45 minute car ride spells trouble. 

So even though I am celebrating yesterdays low numbers, I cautiously move forward, knowing today could be just as bad as Wednesday.

The weekend is usually low pull season for this girl, so I have high hopes when I recap my  pulls on Monday morning, I will be able to report some low numbers but regardless, yesterday was a step in the right direction, and I'm pretty pumped about the progress.

Enjoy your weekend xo

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